TLmag 37

The latest issue of TLmag is now on newstands. Our S/S 2022 issue: TLmag37: L’age d’or / State of Gold, was guest-edited by Marco Sammicheli. It’s a beautiful new edition. We are used to thinking of gold when referring to records or excellence. Historically, it is a colour and a material that evokes multiple symbols, artefacts, traditions. The values ​​and implications of gold today affect the economy, culture, and global politics, and what appeared to be consolidated in meaning is now being examined by the interpretations and investigations of artists, designers, journalists and researchers. The Golden Age issue will focus on some of the relationships that unleash this material within different disciplines. TLmag 37 will feature reflections and visuals on the evocative power of gold and how it is subjected to revisions, metaphoric postponements, criticisms and insights: the protection and treatment of gold in heritage conservation and archaeological analysis; food culture as synthesis of resources and wars, as is happening in mining exploitation; the use of the precious material to decorate architecture or connect the circuits of the most modern devices; the use of gold to indulge a taste in furniture and in fashion design; its symbolic representation to materialise a spiritual dimension. The use of gold was created to emphasise concepts in art and in the communication of power. Does this assumption also apply to today?


A small selection of past interviews with artists and creatives…


Imaginings: Kiki van Eijk